I won't delve into the 'no stones' mentality of these people that just whine and don't even try to win against the establishment; but just whimper and vote how they are told by the GOP. Instead let me point you to an incredible article.
(Entire article can be read here)
"Mr. Perry would, however, steamroll in a general election, topping President Obama 45-37. Mr. Cain leads Mr. Obama 40-35.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won just 9 percent support among Republicans when it came to their presidential nomination, and he topped Mr. Obama by just 36-34 in a head-to-head matchup."
The article's purpose is to show that even in Texas Cain is beating Perry. The part that convinced me to take up my own blog space to mention this article was the part where it shows that Cain is now passing O'Bummer in polls for the Presidential election. Not only that.. but he's beating O'Bummer by even more than Romney in polls.
I just hope the lemmings can see beyond who they are being told to support and not support.. and grow a pair (as well as a spine) and vote for someone other than the established GOP which got us into much of the problems we have today.
Thank you.