Sunday, February 24, 2013

Please Support These Companies

There are those that just stay quiet and let their freedoms get washed away for various reasons.  Perhaps they feel helpless.... what can they do against a tyrannical government?  Won't they be called a criminal and go to prison if they so no to their Nazi leaders?  Yes.. yes they may but I for one will not be that Jewish man calmly walking up into that cattle car at the train yard being led to the camps.

Stay quiet if you must, but as you do the Country you live in is being destroyed and you are quickening the arrival of all out civil war.

Or... you can grow a pair of balls and do something about it.  I'm not saying go into civil unrest (though you better prepare for that because it is coming).  What I'm saying is that when someone stands up against the bully get off the park bench and stand right behind them and look that bully right in the eye.  If that bully continues, we're going to whip it's tuckus.

The following companies in the last couple weeks have stood up against our tyrannical leaders.  The following companies have stopped selling firearms and ammunition to law enforcement agencies in states that are restricting the Second Amendment.

I am happy to say that before I saw this list I was already making purchases from at least one of these companies (thank you for the Ruger SR9C magazines).

You Do Not Fight Wolves By Creating More Sheep

More and more people like this man are stepping up and the numbers of people that were asleep are being awakened.  We are arming, we are drilling, we are preparing.  When the time comes I will rip the throats out of men with my teeth if I must but I will not stand and watch my Country become a land of slaves to a communist dictator.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Armed: Alive - Unarmed: Dead

Two stories hit the news on the same day.

The first is a horrific story of a man in his home with his wife and daughter when two armed black men come in to rob them.  When the men head for his 11 year old daughter's room the dad protests... and gets shot dead (several times) for protecting his daughter.

Video of News Report

Second Story man is armed when confronted by a burglar in his home.

Burglar is now dead.

Honestly, how stupid do you have to be to purposeful choose option 1?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Obama Prepping The Military to Attack Citizens of the USA

I've been asking myself this question and others have approached me asking what I thought the military would do when Obama pushes too far and then calls the military to put down the American People.

I've had to be honest and answer those who asked me and tell them that a good 30% of those I served with in the military are very much socialists and would see no issue in attacking American citizens if they were ordered to; if it meant they were promoted and brought closer into the rings of power near the top.

70% though I have said would refuse to take orders to kill American citizens.

I believe though that the National Guard would have a far lower percentage that would accept and carry out such an order.  The National Guard in my view are not nearly as political and back stabbing and deceitful as those I encountered while in Active Duty.

Up until this point it has been a -feeling-... the path that Obama is on is one that is designed to bring the Country to the point of civil war.  And as such, you have to ask yourself how will you survive such an event. Will you become a slave to the government and turn your back on your neighbors to ensure your intake of food and medical care and protection from the government?  Or will you stand up and refuse to allow the government to subjugate the population into slaves for it's own power.

This blog entry is not about what your choice will be... it is to show a video where information has slipped out of the military in where the military leaders are being prepped and having the seeds of thought planted in their minds that some day soon... they will need to make that choice to shoot on their fellow American citizens.

Check out the video at 1:50 and onward.

The video below is part of that 70% I believe will not take such commands and follow through on them.