Thursday, September 23, 2010

U.S. Government Reveals Plan for One World Government

How many times do you have to jump up and down in front of people to get their attention on this issue?

I will type slowly so that people that still don't 'get it' might have one last time.  I feel like Noah getting ready to close the door while the storm clouds are forming and it's starting to rain.

One last time... please...  WAKE UP !!

Our own United States Government has released it's own study on it's direction and progress into the future.

You can download a copy of it directly from the government website so that you can remove one more conspiracy theory fog from your eyes and perhaps see the light of day.
Download the Report Here

Here are a few excerpts from the document you will probably just ignore and go back to watching your television after reading.

-Effect: By 2025 a single "international community" composed of nation-states will no longer exist. Power will be more dispersed with the newer players bringing new rules of the game while risks will increase that the traditional Western alliances will weaken. Rather than emulating Western models of political and economic development, more countries may be attracted to China's alternative development model.

-We do not believe that we are headed toward a complete breakdown of the international system, as occurred in 1914-1918 when an earlier phase of globalization came to a halt. In other words, they don't believe we can stop them this time.

-"In terms of size, speed, and directional flow, the transfer of global wealth and economic power now under way-roughly from West to East-is without precedent in modern history"

Watch the Messiah and his demons.. um.. I mean minions speak openly about their plan for this:

Tick Tock Doc, Time is almost up.

Arizona November Ballot Proposals

I got a very in-depth Ballot Proposition public pamphlet (book) in the mail that was issued by the Arizona Secretary of State.  It puts every proposition out there for all to read and breaks down it's purpose for each proposition in a summary or layman's terms in case you don't want to read through all the legal wording.  So, I read both.

I made up my own quick Yes / No summary of each proposition.  Many of them give me great encouragement and pride in my new State.  No nostalgia for Michigan with me any longer.

Proposition 106
                Yes: Rejects National Healthcare plan, tells the Feds to stuff it.
                No: Accepts Obamacare

Proposition 107
                Yes: Ban affirmative action programs.
                No: Keeps giving jobs to people that aren’t earning them and punishing you if you are
                a white male.

Proposition 109
                Yes: Allows State and citizens to be the people in charge of fishing and hunting, tells
                 the Feds to stuff it.
                No: Allows Federal government to continue making more laws against hunting and
                fishing in Arizona.

Proposition 110
    Yes: Changes Arizona constitution to tell Feds to stuff it when it comes to what the
    State wants to do with its own land.
                No: Lets the Feds continue to take away land and control what the State does with
                its own land.

Proposition 111
                Yes: Put a 2 term limit on Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State treasurer, attorney
                general and superintendent of public instruction. / Also other executive branch
                No: Keep loopholes for corrupt politicians in the future to manipulate.

Proposition 112
                Yes: Requires ballot propositions to be extended from 4 months to 6 months
                submission before the election.
                No: Keep the 4 month time limit on submitting ballot propositions.

Proposition 113
                Yes: guarantees the right to vote by secret ballot when local, state or federal
                 law permits or requires an election.
                No: Can let people force you to vote without a secret ballot.

Proposition 203
                Yes: Allow medical marijuana
                No: Keep drugs illegal

Proposition 301
     Yes: Land Conservation Fund (donated $’s) must be used on acquiring and
     conserving State land and conservative land practices used on current State land.
                 No: Don’t allow the funds gathered so far to be spent yet.

Proposition 302
                Yes: Separate Early Childhood Development and Health fund money from
                general funds (accounting, etc). / Terminate the Early Childhood Dev. And Health
                Fund program. / Prepeal the Early Childhood Dev and Health Program laws.
                The $0.80 per pack tax on tobacco products would be continued and used to
                distribute money to programs and grants that increase quality of and access to
                early childhood dev. And health services for children up to 5 years of age and
                their families. (Translation: Removes the Bureaucracy and cuts out red tape and
                does all the same work).  
                No: Keep inefficient government bureaucracy wasting money that is supposed
                to go to children health programs.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's My Land, No It's Not, It's My Land !


This article will not solve the strife between Jews/Christians and Islam but what it will do is allow you to understand why Islam has been hell-bent on destroying the Jews and Christians for the last several thousand years.

This is going to be a historical document in which I go back to written documents and site references of the past. It is meant to help you get a picture of the past so you can understand the present.

What is shared between Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the Biblical character Abraham.  All three religions are  direct descendants of Abraham.

Below you can read the “Very Short Summary”, and/or you can read on to get the in-depth history.
Very Short Summary:
Abraham had a son Ishmael with a servant girl.  14 years later Abraham had a son named Isaac with his wife Sarah.  Since Ishmael was an illegitimate son, it was Isaac whom inherited their father’s wealth (lands, etc).  Isaac’s descendants continued on the Jewish faith, Ishmael was wronged and angered and broke off into the Islamic faith.
The Long Story:

Abraham, born in the Mesopotamian city of Ur, was the son of Terah, a descendant of Shem, a son of Noah. Born almost 4,000 years ago, Abraham's impact on the Middle East is still with us to this day. As a descendant of Noah's son Shem, Abraham and his descendants were a Semitic people.

Called "the father of the faithful" (compare Romans 4:11), Abraham obeyed God's instruction to leave his native Ur and move to Haran. As Stephen, the devout first martyr of the Christian era, put it: "The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, and said to him, 'Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you'" (Acts 7:2-3).

Both Ur and Haran were cities in Mesopotamia, which refers to the area between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Haran was a natural stopping-off point for Abraham and Sarah, who were about to be sent by God to a new land, a significant turning point in the history of the region.

God was working with Abraham to establish him and his descendants in the land of Canaan (later called the Promised Land and often referred to as the Holy Land). At the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe, this area was ideal for God's chosen people, who were to be an example to the rest of the world (Deuteronomy 4:5-8).

On arriving in the new land, God promised Abraham that He would give the land to his descendants (Genesis 12:7). "And the LORD said to Abram,... 'Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever'" (Genesis 13:14-15).

God added: "And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then your descendants also could be numbered" (verse 16). 

Significantly, God later changed Abram's name to Abraham (Genesis 17:5). His earlier name meant "high (exalted) father." God renamed him "father of a multitude," saying, "I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you" (verse 6).

At the time these prophecies must have seemed ironic to Abraham, for his wife Sarah was barren. Her infertility was to be very significant in the development of the modern Middle East.
God promised Abraham in Genesis 15:4 that he would have an heir: "one who will come from your own body." Impatient, Sarah told Abraham to take her Egyptian handmaid Hagar and to produce a child by her. This took place "after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan" (Genesis 16:1-3).

Abraham's first son is born

"So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became despised in her eyes" (Genesis 16:4). The relationship between Sarah and Hagar quickly deteriorated and Hagar fled.

But a divine message was given to Hagar, telling her to return. It also reassured her that her son would have many descendants—but descendants with traits that would be evident throughout their history: "I will so increase your descendants that they will be too numerous to count ... You are now with child and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael ['God hears'], for the LORD has heard of your misery. He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers" (verses 10-12, New International Version).

This description of Hagar's descendants is significant because many of today's Arabs are Ishmaelites—descendants of this same Ishmael, whose father was Abraham. Muhammad, the founder and prophet of Islam, was descended from Kedar, one of the 12 sons of Ishmael (Ismail in Arabic). Today 22 nations in the Middle East and North Africa are Arabic nations, most of whose people are adherents of Islam. An additional 35 countries are members of the Islamic Conference, most of them with Islamic governments, but whose people are of different descent.

Even before Ishmael's descendants arrived in the area, the term arab was used to denote the peoples of the Arabian peninsula. With the spread of Islam, Arabs and the Arabic language today encompass a vast region.

The divinely prophetic words spoken to Hagar are still of great significance today. The prophecy that Ishmael "will be a wild donkey of a man" is not meant as an insult. The wild donkey was the aristocrat of the wild beasts of the desert, the preferred prey of hunters. The prophecy is a reference to how Ishmael's descendants would emulate the lifestyle of the wild donkey, leading a free and noble existence in the desert.

"His hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand against him" similarly refers to this independent lifestyle. Ishmael's descendants have always resisted foreign domination. "He will live in hostility towards all his brothers" is a reference to the enmity that has historically existed among the Arabs and between the Arabs and the other sons of Abraham.

Abraham's second son

Fourteen years after the birth of Ishmael, God blessed Abraham with another son, this time by his wife Sarah. He told them to name their son Isaac (meaning "laughter" for the incredulous reaction they had when told they would have a son at their advanced age as well as the joy that he would later bring to his parents, Genesis 17:17, 19; 18:10-15; 21:5-6). Isaac in turn fathered Jacob, also named Israel, the father of the Israelites. Ishmael's and Isaac's descendants are therefore cousins.

"So the child [Isaac] grew and was weaned. And Abraham made a great feast on the same day that Isaac was weaned. And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, scoffing. Therefore she said to Abraham, 'Cast out this bondwoman and her son; for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, namely with Isaac'" (Genesis 21:8-10).

This displeased Abraham, who had grown to love Ishmael. "But God said to Abraham, '... Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called" (verse 12). God further reassured Abraham: "Yet I will also make a nation of the son of the bondwoman [Ishmael], because he is your seed" (verse 13). "So God was with the lad; and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness ..." (verse 20).

It cannot be said that Ishmael hated Isaac. But after 14 years as an only child, Isaac's arrival fundamentally changed Ishmael's relationship with his father, Abraham. Afterward, Ishmael felt envy and rivalry toward his half brother, feelings that tribally have survived down through the centuries and which affect the politics of the Middle East today.

Isaac's two sons

Further family complications were ahead. Isaac, in turn, had two sons, Jacob and Esau, twins by his wife Rebekah. Even before they were born, "the children struggled together within her" (Genesis 25:22). God explained: "Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated from your body; one people shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger" (verse 23). Both brothers were to father great nations, a blessing from God to Abraham's grandsons.

Normally the firstborn would receive the birthright, but here it was to be different. The Bible records that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentil stew (verses 29-34), showing how little it meant to him. Sometime later, Jacob tricked his father into giving him the birthright blessing (chapter 27). For this, "Esau hated Jacob" (verse 41).

Again, the consequences of this are with us to this day.The descendants of Esau (also called Edom, Genesis 25:30) intermarried with Ishmael's descendants, their bitterness and resentment against Jacob's descendants intensifying through the centuries. Esau's grandson Amalek (Genesis 36:12) was the father of the Amalekites, who became bitter foes of the descendants of Jacob, the 12 tribes of Israel. A prophecy about Amalek foretold endless war between them "from generation to generation" (Exodus 17:16). Some scholars believe that many of today's Palestinians are largely the descendants of the Amalekites.

From this we can see where the Jews have come, where Islam has come as well as the Palestinians.  There is no wonder nor confusion as to why for thousands of years these people have bickered back and forth and worked to kill each other in this family feud.

I hope this has helped you understand the history of the Middle East, Israel and the Promised Land and the never ending saga of Islam vs. the rest of the world.

I want to offer thanks to a website that helped me organize a great deal of Biblical data in an efficient manner.

Monday, September 6, 2010

BOO on ASU !

So, I've gone this far in life on two associates degrees and I'm pondering expanding one or two of those into a Bachelors degree.

I've changed much as a person since back in the late 1980's and my challenge is to find a fulfilling career or area of study that is conservative in nature.  My associates degrees are 'Natural Resources' and 'Water Quality'.

The Natural Resources degree is incredible but unrealistic.  It was the main degree during college that gave you hope for an exciting future.  Working in a fisheries department, forestry, wildlife management, State Parks system, Park Ranger, etc.  Working outside and in nature would be outstanding and fulfilling on so many levels.

My problem though with getting work in this degree is that they are State run departments and I can't humanly score high enough on the tests to get my foot in the door.  I am a white male in America trying to find work in a politically correct world.  I can score 100% on my civil service tests and not even come close to landing an interview.  On the other hand, a black (+5%) woman (+5%) with a bumb knee (+5%) that is on a medical discharge from the military (+5%) with an alternative lifestyle (+ infinite%) can score 75% on the same test and be a shoe-in for the position.

That was the reality of the degree once I got out of college and couldn't find a job or even the opportunity for an interview.

The Water Quality degree was a slightly better chance.  The problem there was I had to have a State License and I couldn't take the State License test until I had experience, but no one would hire me to get experience until I had the License.  Oh yes, government at its best.

So... that is how I found myself going into the United States Air Force in 1992 and working in Water and Wastewater (sewer) within Civil Engineering.  4+ years of experience was the big door that opened up that career for me.  I had the experience that convinced the States to allow me to test for the Licensing as well as the +5% to my civil service tests.

I got my foot in at the ground level of a water treatment plant in Southwestern Michigan and that's where my real career started in 1996.

Since then the ceiling of career advancement has been the management and supervisory positions where the golden children manicured for those positions have bachelors degrees.  Mind you, they don't have to be in engineering, hydraulics, chemistry.. anything useful.. but things like Psychology seem just fine to get you into these better paying positions with more responsibility.
So, here I am in Arizona now looking for a University to pool my 4+ years of college under my belt into a useful bachelors degree.  While I'm at it, why don't I develop a degree that I can be excited about?  And, that leads me to this article.

I brought up Arizona State University's website to check out their online classes (and schoolroom also) and see what degree programs they might have that really tug at my interest and I start looking into their Political Science program.

This is where my smile got turned upside down.

"... as citizens in a democratic political system and to flourish in the rapidly developing globalization of the world's...."

Um.. EXCUSE ME ?!?!

We are a Republic, not a democracy.  Developing globalization?
How about: Train our students in how to promote individualism, small government, personal responsibility and freedom?

I mean, I would expect this drivel and mind-numbing communist crap in Michigan, California, Oregon, Washington... okay.. in 40 of the 50 States.. but Arizona?  Come on, I thought I moved into a conservative State?

What are other's experiences in trying to further their education?  Is there any hope of getting a conservative education?

How do you fix the system around you?  Get involved right?  But to get involved you have to go through this indoctrination process from the enemy.  I know for certain that I would never pass a class that force fed this communist drivel.  Every three minutes I'd stand up and raise my hand and call out, "Um.. excuse me Sir.. where are your facts on that?  Sir.. I don't want to be disrespectful but your theories of government have shown over the centuries to rape the freedoms of the citizens of any countries they have been tried, lowered the standard of living of the citizens and ended in the murder of hundreds of thousands of the citizens as the ruling class of dictators in the government feel threatened when the country wakes up and revolts."

Perhaps this is more of a vent than an article, but what are some of you others experiences in dealing with trying to find higher education that is actually WORTH your hard earned money?