Tuesday, November 6, 2012

UN is UN-American

Over several years the deluge of anti-American views and votes coming out of the United Nations has built layer upon layer within me that grows stronger against this organization.  I thought it was as well known as the sun rising in the East and setting in the West that everyone understood that the UN was anti American and anti-Israel (any USA allies) but I stumbled across someone that was shocked by such a revelation.

As the discussion progressed (about two comments into it) I was asked to show references and proof and such as to my beliefs.  Wow.. that opened up a massive project to go back and prove that the sun rises in the East.  Regardless, I figure it's a noble cause to collected up just a handful of the United Nations actions to share with the sheeple of the United States so they at least can't claim ignorance any longer.

I am going to add some bullet points below that will separate various topic changes; a list per-say that backs up my claim that the United Nations is anti-American (and it's allies).

  • UN Small Arms Gun Treaty
Creation of the UN Arms Trade Treaty put on hold today (November 6th) and to be continued after the election.  Purpose is to "track and trace" every round of ammunition on the planet from where it was manufactured to point of use.
Confiscate and destroy all civilian owned firearms.
Ban trade and ownership of all semi-automatic weapons.
Create an international gun registry.

Hillary Clinton has announced they will be working with the UN to pass this UN Small Arms Treaty.


  • Agenda 21
George Soros sponsored UN plan.  Nice happy entire planet plans to remove single family homes, private property ownership, removal of private car ownership and individual travel choices and removal of privately owned farms.  In short, to impose the tenets of Social Justice/Socialism on the world.


  • Arab/Islamic states consistently vote against the U.S. in the United Nations
Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records:

Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time 
Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time 
Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time 
United Arab Emirates votes against the United States 70% of the time. 
Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time. 
Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time. 
Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.
Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time. 
Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time. 
Oman votes against the United States 74% of the time. 
Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time. 
Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time. 
Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time. 
Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time. 
Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time. 
India votes against the United States 81% of the time. 
Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time. 
Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time. 

U S Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2,000,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
Pakistan votes 75% against the United States Receives $6,721,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
India votes 81% against the United States Receives $143,699,000 annually.

But yet we fund a shockingly high percentage of the UN budget.

On June 17, 2005, the United States House of Representatives passed a bill (H.R. 2745) to slash funds to the UN in half by 2008 if it does not meet certain criteria. This reflects years of complaints about anti-American and anti-Israeli bias in the UN, particularly the exclusion of Israel from many decision-making organizations. The U.S. is estimated to contribute about 22% of the UN's yearly budget due to the UN's ability-to-pay scale, making this bill potentially devastating to the UN. The Bush administration and several former U.S. ambassadors to the UN have warned that this may only strengthen anti-American sentiment around the world and serve to hurt current UN reform movements. The bill passed the House in June 2005, and a parallel bill was introduced in the Senate by Gordon Smith on July 13, 2005. [3] However, a number of leading Senate Republicans objected to the requirement that the U.S. contributions be halved if the UN failed to meet all of the criteria. The UN Management, Personnel, and Policy Reform Act of 2005 (S. 1394), introduced on July 12, 2005 into the Senate by Sen. Norm Coleman [R-MN] and Sen. Richard Lugar [R-IN], called for similar reforms but left the withholding of dues to the discretion of the President [4]. As of February 2006, neither bill has come to a vote.
  • Casual summary of the United Nations as a hypocritical joke.

  • It's not just me.  Several others speaking out.
“If there’s one thing the self-appointed defenders of human rights can’t get enough of, it’s camping out in five star hotels in New York while slinging abuse at America and its allies,” said Jason Kenney, Canada’s citizenship, immigration and multiculturalism minister.

“Canada will no longer make the mistake of confusing process with results, or participation with action,” he said. “Most importantly, we will not be afraid to stand on principle and defend our own interests and those of our friends.”

Canada was the first country to announce its withdrawal from the Durban III event, leading the way for the U.S. and more than a dozen others to do so. Canada was also the first to say it would stay away from the previous Durban conference, in Geneva in 2009.

Wrapping up the event, conference organizer Anne Bayefsky said the meeting had been held “to shine a light of day” on what was happening at the U.N. nearby – “to ensure that the dots between hate and violence are seared in our collective minds.”

“We said, ‘no, not in our name,’” she said. “Now it’s time to translate that resounding ‘no’ into a political message, for the United Nations and democracies around the world.”


For a long time we have observed with dismay that the great idea of creating the U.N. for the betterment of mankind has been reduced into a group of nations blinded by the most disturbing feelings of anti-Americanism while permitting the greatest menace to the world, communism, to flourish. Indeed, the U.N. did little to alleviate this suffering upon mankind.

While the U.N. seems to condemn the U.S. at every opportunity, it has been silent about the gross violations of human rights in each and every communist country that has existed on the face of the earth. In the eyes of the world, it seems, the policy mistakes of the U.S. easily obliterate the extermination of 100 million people in the forced imposition of the criminal communist philosophy.

Unfortunately, many members of that supposedly respected body are coming from authoritarian, dictatorial, tyrannical and totalitarian communist regimes in which individual freedoms and human rights don’t exist. Yet they condemn us. In my opinion, the U.N. has become ineffective and irrelevant and more accurately should be called the United Anti-American Nations (UAAN), since that seems to be its united cause.

That united front of anti-Americanism has developed a history of looking the other way when the enemies of the U.S. enslave, torture and murder their citizens. As a matter of fact, that is what they have done in the case of Cuba.

They would rather abstain, vote against or veto the condemnation of those barbaric acts against humanity for the simple reason of going against the U.S. They have even expelled the U.S. from the Human Rights Commission while other criminal regimes that systematically violate human rights, like Libya – clearly a terrorist state – were admitted.

The hatred that has followed this worldwide envy for America’s progress and standard of living has been the end result and legacy of 70-some nefarious years of the application of Marxism-Leninism in the most perverse and destructive ways. Only people who have lived inside a communist country can fully understand the evilness of that system.

(This is a very good article.  To read the full article click here ).

I've just scratched the surface of this issue.  You could literally dedicate your entire professional career dealing with this topic and I think I've covered enough of the issues to wet the appetite for those who truly want to know the truth; to dig in and start looking and learning on their own.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Gap

At one point the things I warned my friends and family about has this massive gap.  Let me explain.

When I expressed concern about the laws and rules our government kept piling on top of us I would get a shrug and a shake of the head that I was a loony and just making a big deal out of nothing.

When I ranted about more and more rights being taken away I was a goof ball.

When I raged about our freedoms being stripped from us I was a quack.

When I went ballistic about my privacy and the government gathering too much personal and private information on the Census and other tactics I was just a freak.

Take a listen to the link below...

Then come back and tell me if there's that much of a gap anymore.

Is there really that far of a distance between the things I've been warning about and how very real the link below really seems now?  Boil that frog man.. come on; you're almost cooked.

Ordering Your Pizza

Saturday, May 19, 2012

CCW Class

I am so blessed to have such an incredible wife.

This next week I'm going to go sign up to take a Concealed Carry Weapons class here in the Phoenix, AZ area; for the following week.  The class is normally $110 and it's done over two evenings.  6 pm - 9:30 pm on a Tuesday and Wednesday night.  At the end you qualify by shooting 50 rounds at their range.

Right now they have a special going on for 50% off, they give you a box of 50 rounds of 9mm ammo and also let use a FREE rental 9mm handgun for the shooting as well.

When I asked if my wife would take the class with me.. she totally said YES!  She is so amazing and supportive.  I can't ask for a better mate and friend to have in my life.

My buddy at work and his wife are also taking the class but are planning on going this coming Tuesday and Wednesday.  I sent him an email telling him how stoked I was that my wife is going with me.. so now he and his wife are switching their plans to the following Tues/Wed so all four of us can take the class at the same time.

I am so honored that God has put such great people in my life.  I'm giddy right now. (grin)

Friday, May 18, 2012


At one point in the history of the United States of America, not so very long ago it was touted as a great virtue to live your life in such a way as to "always be prepared".  Before the Boy Scouts of America was seen as a threat to the Communists working within out Country and were besmirched, belittled and boycotted it was an honorable thing to say you were a scout, raise your hand and salute with your motto "Always be Prepared".

Time has changed though.  No longer is it honorable to be able to provide for yourself and your family.  It's no longer a -good- thing to be independent and not linked at the hip with the Federal Government for your every day needs.

Long long ago (20 years) (please note the mocking sarcasm in my type-tone) it was a disgrace to be on unemployment even a full month before you found whatever work you could get your hands on to bring home a paycheck.  It was a disgrace to be on food stamps.  It was a disgrace to sit in a government supplied home eating government supplied food playing your X-Box purchased with your government supplied paycheck that gives you money for staying poor.

Such days are long gone and an entire generation is being raised believing it is the most natural thing in the world to look to the Federal Government for your health care, for your job, for your vacation allotment, for your transportation, for your food, etc.  I'll save how removing God from school and destroying the authority/structure of family (as people like myself have been warning everyone for decades) has brought us to where we are today; for another blog entry.

There is also an old-school saying: "No use crying over spilled milk".  Meaning; the damage has been done.  It's broken, destroyed and burning to the ground; so... now what do you do?

You adapt, you adjust, you overcome.

With so many threats facing us today,
I don't know what will spark unrest and chaos
but I know it's coming.

Let's take a moment just to 'what if' a couple items:

1.  What happens if Barack Obama is not re-elected in November?
  • Unions stir up their drones and wage-slaves into a frenzy to riot in every major city of the country.
  • A vast majority of the Negros (I decided I will continue to use this term until they disband the "United Negro College Fund" and declare it racist against light colored skin people) will riot, demand that a great injustice (unfair) deed has been done against them.  People like Sharpton and Jackson with Rev. Wright will fan the flames until riots sweep across the country.
  • Several accounts of light skin people being attacked and/or murdered have already happened when a Hispanic man in Florida defended himself and killed Treyvan Martin.  Making the white-man pay.  What do you think it will be like when their Messiah is removed from his throne and these lose that power? (Report in Baltimore) (Report in Chicago) (Report in Alabama)(Report from Kentucky)

What Happens next?

Martial law is what happens next. If the cities become so dangerous that the guy working for the city drinking water plant can't get to work, the guy working for the fire department can't get to work, the guy working for the gas station can't get to work, the highways are so dangerous food can't get to the stores.... society collapses and the government steps in "For the Greater Good". You now have the military in the streets, you have curfews, you have very desperate people climbing over your back wall in the middle of the night to take what you have because your skin is lighter colored than them.

Have you prepared?  Can you defend your home?  Can you or will you even try to get to work?  Do you have food and water to last you and your family?
How long will martial law last?  How long will it take for society to re-balance and the enraged nut-jobs that have been stoked to rape and murder so the Government can step in and take care of everyone; how long before they are put back in their box?
One week?  Three weeks?  Six Months?
Are you prepared to live in a world where if you do not have a wide shaped nose and dark skin; you are a target of large mobs?

2.  Global and Country Economy
  • Europe is collapsing financially.  We're printing more and more money to support a government that is growing logarithmically in wasting your hard earned money (taxes).  A global financial adjustment/depression is coming that will make the last 4+ years of your life look like you were living the good-life.
  • Gas prices are going up, food prices are climbing fast, electricity rates ("Will necessarily need to skyrocket" Barack Obama), etc.  You aren't getting paid more at work but your food will double, triple and go beyond your ability to buy it soon.  You won't have enough money to even drive to work to make enough money to buy food, let alone cover your mortgage rate, pay your electricity bill, water bill, etc.

What happens next?

Runs on the food supply.  Walmart can't keep food on the shelves or things like bottled water, medicine, bleach.  Walmart trucks are escorted by military convoy "For the Greater Good" along with the gas/fuel trucks for the stations.  After all; after the first few Walmart trucks get hijacked on the highway by desperate people we need to restore order and safety in our communities.

How do you get enough money to even buy the food?  Do we start bartering services with the store owners in exchange for food?  We work security for them all week in exchange for three days worth of food for our family?  Do we already have pantries full of food that will last us months?  Is the garden in the back yard ready to harvest enough food to sustain your family for months?  Do you even have a garden?

What do desperate people that blame everyone for their troubles do when they can't even eat?  Perhaps come and take your food?  Perhaps to keep things simple they just kill you and your family so you can't tell the 'military/law' who it was that just robbed you?

Can you protect your pantry?  Can you protect your family?

I've taken only two possible scenarios and asked you to follow down the road of possible outcomes.  I've asked you to piece together things that you have witnessed and know to be true and asked if you are ready to protect you and your family.  Are you trained in how to use a firearm?  Do you know how to defend your family in your home against one or more armed intruders?

I won't turn this blog entry into six hundred MB's of prep discussion but I wanted to encourage people to start researching.  You may not have time to prepare your family fully; but you do have time to take the first step and do -something-.  Please don't show up at my house expecting a free meal and me to protect you.  Every meal I give you is a meal my daughter does not get.  Sorry; you're not going to get a bite if you come to my door.  Now is the time to prepare and man-up.  Take responsibility as the one to protect your family.

Now; by no means am I fully prepared.  With my job freezing pay raises for over 6 years now, gas prices going up, food prices climbing straight up... I'm way behind where I wish I was in preparing.  But... I take little bites and move a step forward as often as I can.  I keep focused.

I started with a pantry and water storage.  Though it is still only a 2-3 months supply it's a start and it continues to be added to.  It's also added a great and profound sense of peace to my wife as she can see a room full of food (security).  Lose your job and needs a few months to find another one?  You at least have food.  The wives love that.

Many prep sites will help you focus and priorities your assets in how to prepare.

Here is my personal "Wish List" on Amazon.com that I am compiling to help me keep track of the items I still need to get.  If my relatives ask what I want for Christmas.. I just point to this page.

Remember: Do not show up at my house unless we work out an arrangement where you're pulling security shift work and you are coming with supplies and/or skills that will make our group stronger.  If you ignore the events in the world around you right now and show up at my door when things go bad, you will not be let in.  If you press the issue; you will be shot.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Retirement Age: 82

I have had a recent discussion about the current United States Social Security System with my mother and it has led me to digging further to get supporting documentation.  You can't just hear something and believe it and expect someone else to just take your word on it.  You need facts to back it up.

My desired point I had wished to portray was that the Social Security system was never designed to be pulling the entire country through the retirement years and it's not there to make your life comfortable after the age of 65.  My point was that you should NOT count on Social Security because the entire system is going to collapse in upon itself. (and it is already: look at the national debt).

My specific claim was this:

When Social security started in 1935 the average years of age that men and women (combined average) was expected to live was 61.7 years.
Now though in 2012 the average years of age lived has been stretched to 79 years of age.

When Social Security was started they convinced the entire country that, "Hey.. let us have this amount of money out of every paycheck you make and we'll put the money aside.  If you live 3 years PAST the age we expect you will die, then we will give you a little money each month... but hey, you'll probably die before then anyway."

Now though.. people on average are living to 79 years of age.  But they expect to get this social security still back at the 1935 life expectancy numbers.  The average person is living 13 years beyond what the system was set up to handle.

If you want Social Security to actually work as it was intended; you need to increase the minimum benefits acquisition age to 3 years past the year they expect you to die.  Just like in 1935.

Now that age would be 82 years old.

The problem is... our society keeps expecting the government to take care of them.  The system was never set up to take care of people.  To be honest; it was designed to take taxes out of people that had a very good chance of dying and never getting the money they'd put into the government.  The government hood-winked an entire country into a scheme to take their money and never give it back.

As I see it; these are the facts.

Life Expectancy at Birth by Race and Sex, 1930–2010

Learn the life expectancy (measured at birth) of American men and women, differentiated by race. For the 2010, the latest data available, the life expectancy for men of all races is 76.2 years and 81.1 years for women.
 All racesWhiteBlack
YearBoth sexesMaleFemaleBoth sexesMaleFemaleBoth sexesMaleFemale
(—) Data not available.
1. Preliminary data.
2. Deaths based on a 50% sample.
Source: National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics Reports. Web:www.cdc.gov/nchs.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Even the Dutch Mock Us

I've become so embarrassed by what our Country has become.  I could care less what the rest of the world thinks about our Country but... good grief.

The Dutch have put together a nice video clip revealing how pathetic our President is.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Government Listening: Trigger Word List

The latest "blacklist of words" our government uses when they are scanning your emails, text messages and have their computers listening for during your phone calls has just become public.
If you say any of the following words you're going to be flagged and listened to to make sure you're not a threat.

Of course.. a 6th grader could tell you to just come up with code words.  Instead of saying Assassination, just say "say goodnight", instead of Nuclear say "Glow Toy".

It's obvious that reading your emails, reading your txt messages, listening to  your phone calls.. has nothing to do with keeping you safe from bad-guys out there that want to harm you.  It has everything to do with keeping an eye on you to see if you dare say anything the 'thought police' believe may lead to descent to towing the line they force down your throat.

For me... I'm going to make sure I pick one or more of these words and put them into every 'tagline' at the bottom of every email or text I send.

Domestic Security

Domestic security
Law enforcement
Disaster assistance
Disaster management
DNDO (Domestic Nuclear
Detection Office)
National preparedness
Dirty bomb
Domestic nuclear detection
Emergency management
Emergency response
First responder
Homeland security
Maritime domain awareness
National preparedness
Shots fired
Explosion (explosive)
Disaster medical assistance
team (DMAT)
Organized crime
National security
State of emergency
Bomb (squad or threat)
Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb

HAZMAT & Nuclear

Chemical spill
Suspicious package/device
National laboratory
Nuclear facility
Nuclear threat
Biological infection (or
Chemical burn
Hazardous material incident
Industrial spill
Powder (white)
Blister agent
Chemical agent
Nerve agent
North Korea

Health Concern + H1N1

Food Poisoning
Foot and Mouth (FMD)
Small Pox
Human to human
Human to Animal
Center for Disease Control
Drug Administration (FDA)
Public Health
Agro Terror
Tuberculosis (TB)
Norvo Virus
Water/air borne
Pork World Health Organization
(WHO) (and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
E. Coli

Infrastructure Security

Infrastructure security
CIKR (Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources)
Computer infrastructure
Critical infrastructure
National infrastructure
Airplane (and derivatives)
Chemical fire
Port Authority
NBIC (National
Biosurveillance Integration
Transportation security
Body scanner
Failure or outage
Black out
Brown out
Service disruption
Power lines

Southwest Border Violence

Drug cartel
U.S. Consulate
El Paso
Fort Hancock
San Diego
Ciudad Juarez
Mara salvatrucha
MS13 or MS-13
Drug war
Mexican army
Cartel de Golfo
Gulf Cartel
La Familia
Nuevo Leon
Narco banners (Spanish
Los Zetas
Meth Lab
Drug trade
Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers)
Barrio Azteca
Artistic Assassins
New Federation


Al Qaeda (all spellings)
Environmental terrorist
Eco terrorism
Conventional weapon
Weapons grade
Dirty bomb
Chemical weapon
Biological weapon
Ammonium nitrate
Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive
Abu Sayyaf
FARC (Armed Revolutionary
Forces Colombia)
IRA (Irish Republican Army)
ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna)
Basque Separatists
Tamil Tigers
PLF (Palestine Liberation
PLO (Palestine Liberation
Car bomb
Weapons cache
Suicide bomber
Suicide attack
Suspicious substance
AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian
AQIM (Al Qaeda in the
Islamic Maghreb)
TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban
Home grown


Extreme weather
Forest fire
Brush fire
Tsunami Warning Center
Mud slide or Mudslide
Power outage
Brown out
Emergency Broadcast System

Cyber Security

Cyber security
DDOS (dedicated denial of
Denial of service
Cyber Command
Cain and abel
Brute forcing
Mysql injection
Cyber attack
Cyber terror
Social media

Read more: http://www.kfyi.com/pages/broomhead.html#ixzz1oTy5CLqa

Friday, March 2, 2012

Obama Birth Certificate Investigation Report

The video below is the report offered by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Marricopa County in Arizona on the investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Obama 2012

This blog entry will be the one with the least amount of my own words required.

Monday, February 13, 2012

What Do You Do?

This past week a neighbor moved in across the street and I was eager for a chance to go shake their hands and introduce myself while welcoming them to the area.  His SUV had a Marines emblem on the back window and that instantly had me perk up and want to meet the man.

While my mother-in-law came down to visit for the week from Michigan we did a great deal of driving around to tourist locations and just riding up in the mountains with the Jeep we just got.  A grand old time.  Early one morning before we took off on the days adventures the neighbor across the street was putting on a garage sale in his driveway.  A perfect chance to stroll across the street and say hello.

Almost instantly he asked me, "So, What do you do?"  The reason he was asking me was because I had my Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum on my side and he and his wife were from California.  The site of a gun on someones hip was still a culture shock to them (welcome to Arizona - Muahahaha).

Of course I knew exactly what he was asking.  He was asking, "What occupation do you engage in to bring money home to your family for paying your bills?"  But that's not what people ask when they meet other people.

It happens all the time.  People shake your hand, you mention the weather or some other meaningless subject and then you ask or get asked "What do you do?"

I got to thinking in church Sunday morning that each time this happens; it's an incredible moment for me to really offer a deeper relationship with the person.  Why be so superficial?  I know; it's because you really don't know the person and you're just being polite.  How can you trust them with giving them personal information?  Will they just use it to stalk and/or rob you and your family?  Who can you really trust these days?

What really pressed on my heart in Church Sunday was this:
I get asked, "So, What do you do?"
My response should be, "I wake up every morning knowing that Jesus Christ restored my relationship with God and I have a reason to live with a smile on my face.  I'm still a messed up person with problems like everyone else; but I've got a purpose in my life and a focus on my future that I never had before.... So, What do you do?"

I can't wait to try it out and see how it goes?

Offer your "So, What do you do?" answers that come to mind in the comments sections below.  I'd love to hear from you.  May you also inspire others and touch people you meet each day with the Love of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

How To Become The World Leader

Watching FoxNews this morning as I was eating my breakfast and getting ready to come in to work on this Saturday morning, the fox news correspondent had on three young Ron Paul supporters.  The oldest of the group was 25 and the youngest I believe was 17.

Their eyes were full of wonder and amazement as if unicorns strolled down the street when Ron Paul's name was mentioned and they were eager to walk as close to him as they could in case he passed gas; because that smells like flowers too you know.

One of the students commented that the reason he supported Ron Paul was because Ron Paul is the only one serious about cutting the budget and was the only one that was honest and told people the truth.


I was tempted to make this entire blog entry about the ignorance of this naive kid but I thought longer on it and will tie it into a larger blog with a greater statement.

To first address this child's understanding about Ron Paul.

Cutting the Budget: Ron Paul followers are bragging that Ron Paul says he will cut the budget by 1 trillion dollars.  They say he's the only candidate on the GOP side that is even considering cutting the budget.

Apparently they are completely ignorant of the fact that Rick Santorum has been talking a 1.3 trillion dollar budget cut (5 trillion over 5 years), thus making Ron Paul's "serious" budget cuts look like a joke.

Next his honesty:  Ron Paul has been a Texas congressman for 35 years now.  During that time he and his followers brag that Ron Paul has never once voted in support of any pork for his own congressional district.  That he stands on high and Holy ground above the fray of corrupt politics and funding and deals and deceit in trying to blackmail other congressmen so he can get money back to his own congressional district.  Oh my how they go on about how "pork" in a bill is so wrong and is the reason for all corruption and the woes of the Country.

Again.. the useful idiots that follow Ron Paul are either so naive and mis-informed that they're almost cute and cuddly in their stupidity, or they are just mindless puppets.  For the last 35 years Ron Paul has not voted for any bill that has had "pork" in it for his district.  This is true.  But do you know the game he's been playing for over three decades and why he keeps getting re-elected?

Ron Paul pushes for a bill to get passed, he campaigns and promotes and wheels and deals with the other congressman to get a lot of support behind a bill.  Once Ron Paul is sure that the bill will pass with overwhelming support he packs in LOADS of pork, bridge money, road money.. "free federal money" for his own district and then he votes NO on the bill.  Guess what... he voted no on the bill and he also got millions of dollars back to his congressional district in the same move.  He can continue to say that pork is evil and wrong and is corrupting politics and that he has and never will vote for any bill with pork in it.

Ron Paul is deceitful, lying, manipulative... oh yeah.. so very honest.

Now.. how do you become the next World Leader?

Did you see how Obama got elected?  He got these college age kids (bless their hearts for being so wide eyed and full of hope for life still) are utterly putty and ignorant about real life yet and played them like an old fiddle.  Pump them full of platitudes and one liners and they aren't jaded enough by life to actually fact-check the drek you're shoveling on them and they will believe whatever you say and start marching to your tune and doing all the work for you to find other supporters to join in the cause.  Bamf.... You become the world leader.

The Ron Paul example above:  Pump out more platitudes and sound like you're tired of the current system and want to really change things up and fix the world (even though you are lying and a major cause of the problems going on in the system... but hey.. the little college minds that will believe anything you say and never question you or seek the actual facts and truth.. will just follow right behind you and march to your step too).  Bamf... Ron Paul-ites created.

How about in Tucson in the school district that is teaching the LaRaza curriculum that is teaching students to rise up in violent overthrow to seek the destruction of the U.S. Government so that Mexico can take over 1/3 of the United States.  The curriculum is based on racial hatred and it works great.  You've got Junior High and High School students that haven't developed their critical thinking skills enough in life that just start marching to the drum you're beating and just repeating all the hate too.  Mindless drones for your cause created.
Link to blog entry about this curriculum here in Arizona: ( click here )

How again did Hitler come to power?

It's frustrating to see the same mistakes of history being repeated over and over again.  Perhaps mankind doesn't deserve much better than what it is getting.  Perhaps we, as humanity is just too stupid and we deserve whatever we get?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Fantastic News for the Stieler Family

I should have sent out this update a couple weeks ago when I found out.

The Probate Court of Marquette County has granted HSLDA's motion to dismiss the prosecution of Ken and Erin Stieler for medical neglect. The Stielers had refused to continue chemotherapy for their son, Jacob, after surgery and the first phase of treatment resulted in clear PET scans. Circuit court judge Thomas Solka ruled today that the family had not neglected their son by refusing to continue with additional rounds of chemotherapy. He recognized that the parents were behaving reasonably by weighing the less-than-certain chance of cure with the risks of very serious side effects. He also placed reliance on HSLDA's argument that three of the five chemotherapy drugs had not been FDA-approved as safe and effective for pediatric sarcoma.

Read the Decision Here:

The State of Michigan does have the option of appealing this decision. Please join us in praising God for this important victory for parents and families! Also, continue to pray for Jacob, his parents, and for HSLDA's continued ability defend parental rights.

Blessings to you all,
J. Michael Smith, Esq.
President, HSLDA.