Sunday, May 9, 2010

U.S. History 1.0.0 - Alien and Sedition Acts

I posted this on Facebook on April 19th, 2010.
By Carl L. McPherson

Am posting this here on the internet for my friends to learn U.S. History before it is completely erased. The reason I feel this specific topic is important today is because I believe our U.S. Government today is going to start and attempt to impose the Sedition Acts again.

Obama's approval ratings are plummeting, congressmen and senators who supported the communization of our country know they are going to be thrown out of government at election time if the Tea Parties and those speaking out are allowed to continue talking to their neighbors about the truth.

To protect themselves, I believe there will come a time when they start with threatening (which they have already started) and then fining and then imprisoning those who speak out against Obama and putting them into prison camps across the country.

I hope and pray I am wrong, but I don't think so.

Below is the history of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798

In 1798, the Federalist-controlled Congress passed a series of laws which, on the surface, were designed to control the activities of foreigners in the United States during a time of impending war. Beneath the surface, however, the real intent of these laws was to destroy Jeffersonian Republicanism. The laws, known collectively as the "Alien and Sedition Acts," included:

The Naturalization Act, which extended the residency period from 5 to 14 years for those aliens seeking citizenship; this law was aimed at Irish and French immigrants who were often active in Republican politics

The Alien Act, which allowed the expulsion of aliens deemed dangerous during peacetime

The Alien Enemies Act, which allowed the expulsion or imprisonment of aliens deemed dangerous during wartime. This was never enforced, but it did prompt numerous Frenchmen to return home

The Sedition Act, which provided for fines or imprisonment for individuals who criticized the government, Congress, or president in speech or print.

The Alien Acts were never enforced, but the Sedition Act was. A number of Republican newspaper publishers were convicted under the terms of this law. The Jeffersonians argued quite rightly that the Sedition Act violated the terms of the First Amendment and offered a remedy in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions.

While these laws were either repealed or allowed to expire in the next administration, they were significant as rallying points for the Jeffersonians. The heavy-handed Federalist policies worked to the advantage of the Republicans as they prepared for the Election of 1800.

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